Gemini Wired’s new single ‘What Now’ is a song that deals with the topic of bullying.
“I go by the name Gemini Wired and I myself have been bullied in the past. I’ve always been an advocate even as a kid. Bullying hurts, and it can make you severely depressed. Nobody deserves to be made fun of, picked on, or beat up because of who they are. I know exactly how much more it can hurt mentally than it can physically at times. I believe it’s crucial to report it whenever we see it occur before it becomes worse. If we can prevent by doing so it?s always a win for the potential victims.
Keep up with Gemini Wired on her website or connect on Facebook or Twitter.
She is currently finishing her EP and gearing up for an anti-bullying campaign to go along with the ‘What Now’ single/video.