Brooklyn-based duo The Dream Eaters deliver a playful yet deeply introspective musical journey with their latest EP, Deathbed Visions, produced and recorded themselves. Since 2015, Elizabeth LeBaron and Jake Zavracky have blended indie pop, dream pop, and new wave sounds into a unique musical identity, and their latest release captures their evolution toward raw honesty.
Inspired by fever dreams Jake experienced during a bout with COVID-19, Deathbed Visions weaves together themes of longing, escape, and personal reckoning. The thread starts with the title track, then continues through songs like “Invite Me Over” and “Tiny Grass is Dreaming,” exploring a longing to escape suburbia and achieve something greater.”
The focus track, “SPANK BANK,” is a cheeky, upbeat ode to sexual fantasy, highlighting the pair’s knack for humor and authenticity. With hundreds of thousands of social media views, the track resonated with fans long before its release.
We wanted to write a positive song about sexual fantasies. It’s all just fun; we’re all human, and we all have urges. It’s playful and lighthearted. – The Dream Eaters