After a 10-year hiatus musicians Nata Rudman and Costa Cadeu, formerly known as Shadow’s Dreams, teamed up for the new project R U (Are You). The debut EP decently titled “?” dropped on June 6, 2014.
The «?» EP includes 6 synthpop songs. Nata’s undoubtedly remarkable and tender voice flows in a stream of synths ably playing with insistent beats and sticky tunes. Stylistically unpretentious and bright sound wrapping is a deliberate attempt to talk about complicated things in a simple way. The basis of lyrics is full of questions about oneself and society, about life and death and how tightly they are tied together. He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever. Are you?
On June 6 the EP is out and can be downloaded for free from the official R U page