Well, we are a day and a half late on posting this, but there’s a story.
See, the vanilla guerilla Gro, happens to enjoy all genres of music. Its safe to say he’s somewhat of a music connoisseur compared to the rest of us.
I happen to be the hip hop head of the group…although my hip hop is a mixture of influences, but that’s for another discussion.
So after being unable to agree on Song of the Week, the rest of the crew threw Gro and myself in the attic, locked the doors, and refused to let us leave, use the bathroom, or seek nourishment until we came to a conclusion.
8 hours later…we still couldn’t prove to each other which was the better choice. And Gro owes me a new lightsaber…
‘Muse’ by Details Details
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‘Anything Can Happen’ by Streetlight Allstars
[iframe_loader width=”400″ height=”100″ style=”position: relative; display: block; width: 400px; height: 100px;” src=”http://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/v=2/track=3210999669/size=venti/bgcol=FFFFFF/linkcol=4285BB/vis=plasma/” allowtransparency=”true” frameborder=”0″]
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