Louis Armstrong was once asked what his favorite kind of music was, and his response was simple: “good music.” Petunia & the Vipers’ sound may not sit comfortably in one certain genre, but “good music” describes it well. “Traveling musicians and Bible Preachers may have a lot in common,” Petunia & The Vipers suggest.
Their dancy new single, “Bible Preacher,” was inspired by death and the afterlife, love and humanity; overarching themes heard in much of their music.“Hank Williams on acid, Tom Waits meets Elvis at Woody Guthrie’s Hobo junction, Avant-Country night club scene music. One of the best bands in the world today, of any kind; hillbilly-flavoured-swing inflected-ragtime-goodtime-thunderously-rolling-one-of-a-kind-you-don’t-want-to-miss-this-sort-of-a-show; A new music that springboards off of music of the past and jumps into the present day, left with only echoes of the past; Something in between 1920’s and steam punk. It’s good for your mind…” These are just a few of the words uttered by folks around the globe trying to pin down a description of all that is Petunia & The Vipers.