When you hear the name Jay Rose, you don’t expect the talent that’s given off. You think of a fine liquor, maybe expect him to be from Florida but no, this gentleman brings no upsets & no stereotypes. Born in New Haven, Ct, but now residing in Raleigh, NC, Jay Ro’se is a 19 year old rapper where music is his life and he works on his craft to be a better lyricist. Wanting to sell out shows and put out music that everyone will enjoy. Getting the name Jay Ro’se (ro-zay) shorten from his government name Jonathan his friends calling him Jay for short and the Ro’se just being named after one of the greats. Jay Ro’se started making music when he was in the 5th grade “That is when I wasn’t that good” being that he was a “dork” Joining a group with 3 guys he realize rapping is what he wanted to do. Not doing this as a hobby but music is his passion. Trying and perfecting his craft to make his dreams possible. Trying new things to stand out and never letting others negative words influence him letting god lead his life he is bound to be successful. The best advice he would give anyone is you can make it and be truthful and don’t hide your emotions better to relate and feel what othe rs are feeling.
Wanting others to get to know him, Jay Ro’se cares about his fans and his supporters. In his room lip singing to his favorite major artist acting to be them to wanting to learn how to play the guitar and the piano to be an all-around great entertainer. Making sure that he is more than just a rapper with street sound, but also making Pop R&B. He wants to talk about the real things that others are afraid to talk about in their music. Jonathan Jay Ro’se Hardison believes in keeping it honest and loyal to his fans, team, family and supporters. Giving his credit also to Troop 41, Main Event and Ty Harriz.