In this interview spotlight, I chat with Shallow Honey about the music, choosing a favorite song of all time, dream collabs, and more.
Full Q&A along with links and music below.
Are you able to choose a favorite song of all time? Or would you label this an impossible task? If yes, what’s the song? If no, what’s your current Top 3?
Hi! It’s Cheryl, the drummer for Shallow Honey. Picking three songs is very difficult, so I can’t imagine trying to pick one! My current top three are: Sweet Tooth, by Destroy Boys, Guided by Angels, by Amyl and the Sniffers & Ride or Die, by ARXX
What about this project makes you most proud? Was there a specific goal you were trying to accomplish with this release?
There are so many things to be proud of in regards to this release… the song itself, the music video, the artwork, the team work within the band, and the outside help we received!
The track takes a deep breath into how ingrained and normalised body dissatisfaction is within society. A relatable subject to most, thanks to the constant push of “The Perfect Body” from most media outlets. Within the music video we wanted to celebrate ourselves in our true form… no airbrushing, nothing fake… being unashamedly ourselves.
What inspires you to create music? What motivates you to keep going?
Music is life, it’s an escape from the everyday – somewhere to express ourselves. We like playing loud!
If you could collaborate with anyone – dead or alive, famous or unknown – who would it be and why? If it’s an indie/DIY artist, please include a link so readers can check them out.
The band has various influences, so picking just one would be very difficult! We draw influences from the 90’s grunge / riot grrrl scene. Members from bands like Hole, Dinosaur Junior and Sonic Youth are people we would love to work with.
What was the last song you listened to? Favorite all-time bands/artists?
The last song I listened to was Master Blaster by Beige. My favourite all time bands are Kyuss, At the Drive-In, and Queens of the Stone Age.
Where is the best place to find you and stay connected?
I appreciate Your time. Want to say or plug any other projects before we part ways?
Check out our socials to keep up to date with what we are up to… and come and say hi at our gigs!