In this interview spotlight, I chat with Ness Heads about the new single/video, challenges, motivations and more.
Full Q&A along with links and music below.
Where are you from and what style of music do you create? (In your own words, not necessarily in marketing terms or by popular genre classifications.)
I’m from Chicago. I sing/rap on top of Hip Hop beats with elements of pop punk.
What led you down this path of music and what motivates you to stay the course?
I’ve always had an interest in music. I started writing random songs that I had no intentions of doing anything with and my friends heard them and encouraged me to keep going. I started going to the studio more with some friends where it became more of a passion. I fell in love with making music and seeing my progression since i started taking it seriously is motivating.
How is your new release different than previous ones? Did you set out to accomplish anything specific?
This is more of an in your face type song. Has more energy than my past releases. We also have a feature from Jean Deaux in this release that gives it a different dynamic. This is the first single this year that features another artist.
Do you face any challenges as an indie musician in a digital age? On the flip side, how has technology helped you (if it has)?
It’s difficult to keep up with providing a ton of content for social media but on the contrary social media has helped me gain new fans i wouldn’t have been able to reach otherwise.
Where can we follow you online and hear more music?
Anything else before we sign off?
New song called “Freak Show” drops in December