heavy on the heart. is a melodic rock band fueled by the soul and drive of 4 misfits with nothing to lose. Those misfits include: Nikki Brady (vocals), Costas Themistocleous (guitar), Nick Kolokathis (drums) and Andrew Nicolae (bass).
In this interview spotlight, I chat with heavy on the heart. about the latest project, AI in music, dream collabs, and more.
Full Q&A along with links and music below.
This AI thing is getting way out of control. I have students using ChatGPT to write death metal songs about country music…and country songs about being sad. You can feed some Ais a text prompt and create a Hollywood-quality short film. How do you feel about this new wave of technological innovation?
Nikki: Where to begin, I feel like when people use all the new technologies given to us things come off as not genuine. Dont get me wrong, I’m sure all of these AI apps and software can write one hell of a bop or a good essay. One thing we have as humans that computer programs will never have is feelings and emotions. If I’m going through the rollercoaster of emotions because of heartbreak, a computer will just never be able to capture those emotions personally. I think sitting with pen to pad and getting out everything with real feeling is incomparable.
Costas: To be honest with you, I do not know much about it and have never fiddled around with any AI or ChatGPT personally. I have seen plenty of AI stuff online and honestly it is quite creepy. I also am adamant about not using it because it takes away from an authentic artist, whether visual or audio. There are so many talented people out there doing the thing who deserve to be seen and heard and it’s disheartening that they now have another thing potentially standing in the way of being seen or heard. I feel AI serves a purpose in certain aspects but should really play a small role in the world of art.
I also firmly believe that while AI can do a decent job replicating a song or visual, the heart and soul will never be there. Human connection is so important and human emotion can only be manipulated so much. Something about real, raw & honest that I feel AI will never be able to replicate.
I know it’s hard…but what’s your favorite song and/or favorite artist of all time? If not favorite, in your top 3?
Nikki: Way to hard to narrow it down to just one lol
I have a bipolar playlist.
Amy Lee of Evenescence is one of my favorite artists her range and power is incredible.
P!nk, her talent and how she performs is a true art. How she prepares for shows and performances is like none other on this planet.
This is a new add to my list as of recent, Freddie Mercury. I’ve been watching performance videos and listening to his words and voice a lot more recently and he just had pure talent and rage.
(Nothing like our genre of music, however, inspiration comes from all places)
Costas: This is always changing for me, haha. Third Eye Blind is an absolute staple in my life. i wouldn’t be who I am as a person or musician without Third Eye Blind, blink-182 & The Dangerous Summer.
Were you trying to accomplish anything specific or different with this project? What’s the back story?
Nikki: oh where to begin, Costas and I were working on a solo project which we only had a half full of songs released. He was part of another band that we was with for many years, that band inevitably split due to differences in the band. As we worked on our solo project one day he was clearly distraught over the situation so we had been sitting and talking things through. I kind of had joked about why we couldn’t start a new band together. One day he had said the words “this is really weighing heavy on my heart” and I was like OH MY GOD THATS IT! THATS THE NAME OF OUR BAND! And so began heavy on the heart.
I think our main goal is to show people you aren’t alone in the emotions we feel. You feel it, we have or will feel that too. Everyone in our band is from different walks of life with different experiences and different backgrounds, we bring so many different emotions and point of views to the table it just creates something anyone can relate too.
Costas: Prior to this project, I played in a band for 14 years and we did a lot of cool things. During the summer of 2021, that band broke up and left 2 unreleased records and a whole lot of potential on the table. I was distraught. I lost my band and I lost my best friend. Nikki and I began writing for this band shortly after my former band broke up. It originally started as a studio project and to write songs to grieve with a period in my life that was now over. I wasn’t trying to accomplish anything more than just making music that made me feel some type of way and continue doing what I love to do. We wrote this EP over the course of 10 weeks in the summer of 2021 and brought it into the studio in September 2021. A pregnancy and putting the final pieces of the band together held up our release and debut as a band until January 2023, but everything happens for a reason. Though you may not see that reason right away, it all happens for a reason. Grateful to still be doing the thing, working towards something, sharing a piece of my soul with our audience and being creative.
What drives you to create? What keeps you going, especially on the bad days?
Nikki: I feel like the bad days are actually even better days for me to create. I allow myself to sit with whatever I’m feeling that day and just let those emotions take control.
I think the love for being on stage keeps me going. To get slightly personal, I have a two year old son and I want him to see never to give up on yourself or your dreams. You are capable of anything and everything you put your mind too. Never give up on yourself and ALWAYS be your own biggest fan.
Costas: Love, Passion and the feeling I get from creating something from nothing drives me. It’s like a drug. But while the affects of a drug might grow stale over time, this one just keeps getting stronger and hitting you harder. Creating is so therapeutic. Getting vulnerable within a song and sharing it to a stranger is such a beautiful experience. I feel I have so much left artistically to offer and I want to keep being true to myself and my craft. Sometimes on the bad days, taking a step away or occupying the mind with something else is the most beneficial thing I can do as an artist. Once I get back to the blank canvas, the moments away help me build to something that I believe is beautiful.
If you could collaborate with anyone – dead or alive, famous or unknown – who would it be and why? Please plug them with a link so readers can check them out.
Nikki: This is also a hard question I think I have two responses to this question. If I could collaborate with anyone alive it would have to be (this answer changes at times) P!nk- she is just such a powerhouse and a badass. I think I could learn so much from her especially mother to mother I respect her hustle and how she is doing all of this and setting such an amazing example to women out there. If I could collaborate with anyone that has passed there would be to long of a list of legends.
Costas: Without a doubt I would love to collaborate with blink-182. That would literally be a dream come true.https://open.spotify.com/artist/6FBDaR13swtiWwGhX1WQsP
Where is the best place to stay connected with You?
Costas: We are definitely the most active on Instagram. We are accessible on all social media channels but instagram (instagram.com/heavyontheheart.music) or our website (heavyontheheart.com) is definitely the places to stay the most connected with us.
I appreciate Your time. Want to say anything else before we sign off?
Nikki: Don’t let anyone hold you back from your dreams. You’re never too old to start being true to yourself. There will always be people out there that try to hold you back or down, take that energy and let it fuel you forward. You got this.
Costas: We have a new single called “Smokin’ All The Weed” dropping on April 20. 2024 and you can pre-save it here: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/heavyontheheart/smokin-all-the-weed
We also have a ton of dates coming up and would love to see you at a show!:
4/11 – Teaneck, NJ
4/25-4/28 – Lancaster PA
5/26 – Virginia Beach, VA
5/27 – Atlanta, GA
5/28 – Jacksonville, FL
5/29 – Orlando, FL
5/30 – Tampa, FL
6/2 – Myrtle Beach, SC
6/3 – Charlotte, NC
6/5 – Baltimore, MD
6/7 – Patchogue, NY