In this interview spotlight, I chat with Ghost Fan Club about the latest music, AI, dream collabs, and more.
Full Q&A along with links and music below.
This AI thing is getting way out of control. I have students using ChatGPT to write death metal songs about country music…and country songs about being sad. You can feed some Ais a text prompt and create a Hollywood-quality short film. How do you feel about this new wave of technological innovation?
Oh I hate it! Not only does it look ugly, it seems to attract some of the most creatively bankrupt people out there. Every AI post I see online is some tech bro all excited because they got mid journey to make something like “what if darth vadar was at a rave”. There seems to be no actual originality behind it. I believe technological advancement should make our lives better and allow everyone more time to create, but instead the computers are making the art and we’re still all doing the work.
I know it’s hard…but what’s your favorite song and/or favorite artist of all time? If not favorite, in your top 3?
Easy answer for me, haha. My favorite song is “You Swan, Go On” by Mount Eerie. It’s a perfect song in my opinion, short and sweet.
Were you trying to accomplish anything specific or different with this project? What’s the back story?
I don’t think I’m really trying to accomplish anything too specific, other than wanting to make music. This was the longest I’ve taken to make something, so maybe subconsciously I was trying to make the most “professional” version of what I hear in my head. The back story is really me writing a few songs while bouncing around in life trying to find a foothold. I think you can feel that in the music, it’s more or less an EP about me trying (and failing) to find some sort of inner peace.
What drives you to create? What keeps you going, especially on the bad days?
I really just like the expression of it all. I like sharing feelings, I like relating to people through that. Once in a blue moon I’ll get a DM or something from someone telling me that a song resonated with them, that really keeps me motivated.
If you could collaborate with anyone – dead or alive, famous or unknown – who would it be and why? Please plug them with a link so readers can check them out.
I’m god awful at collaborating, haha. I find it absolutely horrifying. At my core I am deeply self conscious and anyone I’d like to collaborate with, I feel so unworthy of it. That being said, I’d love to get in a room with the people from Duster. Their specific tape sound is so perfect in my mind. Would love to see how it’s done.
Where is the best place to stay connected with You?
Really any of the major social sites. @ghostfanclub_ on twitter and IG, just GhostFanClub on tiktok.
I appreciate Your time. Want to say anything else before we sign off?
Thank you! Just a hello to anyone reading this, hope you’re doing okay.