MusicTree Festival will be going down June 7 – 11 in Manchester, Tennessee. We will be publishing info and features about the bands as we close in on this event. Feel free to check out our coverage from 2012.
Let everyone know who you are, where you are from and what style of music you play.
FOL> We are Fireworks Over London from Nashville, Tn. If you looked in a record store we would be filed under Rock music. There are grittier moments, spacey, beautiful moments, etc but we will save everyone the lengthy explanation of exactly where we fit in to that genre.
What do you do for fun? You know…besides music?
FOL> We all have our things outside of the band that take up our fun time. A lot of our time is also devoted to other musical projects in addition to FOL. But aside from music, several of us do graphic design or varying art-forms; which is work, but we consider it to be a lot of fun. When time and weather permits we like to get out on our boards and ride, or just hang out and make fun of each other.
What was the last song you listened to?
FOL> Kyle- I would say the last song I recall listening to was Are You a Hypnotist? by The Flaming Lips
What did you listen to when you were younger? What do you listen to now? Have your tastes changed?
FOL> Kyle- I was one of the ‘if it isn’t Nirvana then it better be Sonic Youth’ kids. I still listen to those bands and really have a different appreciation for them now. When I was a kid I just loved it because it was weird and noisey. But, really I think those are the same reasons I still like them now, actually… Currently, my favorite band would have to be the Australian band Tame Impala. I am a fan of late 60s early 70s rock like the Beatles and Pink Floyd, so to have a band come along and mix the two so perfectly- I was immediately sucked in. Changing tastes? I think mine has changed just by becoming exposed to more and more bands via the internet, really seeing what all is out there. I have learned to appreciate a good melody amidst the chaos, where as my younger self just wanted to see guitars breaking…
Was there an “ah-ha” moment in your life when you knew music would be the path you were going to walk?
FOL> Kyle- I always knew I loved it, but looking back on all my notebooks from high school and college it is plain to see where my mind was focused. There were more lyrics and musical notations than actual class notes. Horrible lyrics, nonetheless.
How did you hear about Music Tree Fest?
FOL> We first heard about MTF through our friends Tony White and Grace Shultz (perhaps you have heard of them) who then introduced us to Wes Carter.
How do you feel about being a part of Music Tree Festival?
FOL> We are really excited about it. It is a great idea for blending in some local talent for people all over the country coming in for Bonnaroo. We have heard nothing but good things about it, so we are looking forward to the opportunity to be a part of it.
Do you have plans for Bonnaroo?
FOL> Kyle- I was wanting to go since some of my favorites are going to be there, but doesn’t look like it is in the cards this year.
Do you have an album available? Where can we get it? Where can people connect with you online?
FOL> All of our songs are on iTunes. We have an EP, Embers to Ashes that was recorded last year. We have several new tunes up now (Summer Nights, Bloody Mary, Christmas Lights) that we are working on for our next record that should be coming out later this year, hopefully. You can find us online at,, , @FOLrock on twitter, and lastly @fireworksoverlondon on instagram.
Any last thoughts? Shout outs?
FOL> Thanks to Joshua Smotherman, Wes Carter, and everyone associated with Music Tree Fest and Middle Tennessee Music. Thanks to everyone that takes the time to check us out!