When you get ready to build the next beat, will you dig into the same old samples that you’ve been re-hashing for the last few years? Will you spend days digging through the free stuff on the web, or hours listening to all the limited sets that came with your DAW – again? OR, will you get serious and buy a full professional set of the sounds you need?
I’ll admit that I’m one that doesn’t have the patience for it – the digging, the searching, the loading, the comparing – by the time I think I’ve found what I want to work with, I’ve lost the inspiration. Then I found The Producer’s Choice!
From great sounding 808’s to vintage and modern drum kits The Producer’s Choice has drums covered. And by covered, I mean covered with great vintage mics, Neve strips and SSL strips and pristine processing. These cats have gone all out to make sure that all the sounds are as clean and present as possible. You know how important that is! You might hide a little bit of system noise in a full kit recording, but if there is any noise at all in samples, you have some serious issues stacking up but fast!
Horns? Brass? Winds? Oh, yeah! The Producer’s Choice is on top of it. Everything you need to funkify your beat is ready for twisting. Oh, and packs of great strings, pads, synth basses and oodles of cool sounds are here, too.
Why do you need even more sounds for your bank?
Well, we are talking about samples and sounds here, right? Can you possibly have enough? That’s what I thought…
These guys have got such a good set, here, that you could disconnect that tera drive that’s stuffed full, load up on T.P.C. packs and never spend a day searching again. When I consider the stacks of packs I have stuffed all over my drives, this gets to be rather tempting. You see, I can’t stand searching for sounds – having a set that covers the needs with simplicity just might make me willing to program some drum tracks again.
While geared toward hip-hop and electronic music, the drums offered would be great for you “replacers” out there, too. Lots of folks don’t realize it, but a major portion of the “real” drums you here in modern rock and metal are not “real” drums after all. Days and even weeks are spent setting up and recording “perfect” drums and then all the sounds get replaced with samples! That’s amazing to me, but hey, if it floats your boat… yep, these would be great, big, heavy drums for some gut-rumbling-rock.
The best way to check out a sample set can be to hear a mix of the dry sounds working together with minimal processing. Have a listen and be sure to check out some of their other mixes on Soundcloud.
How bad is it going to hurt?
How’s not at all? Ok, they aren’t free, but when you look at the prices on some of the sample packs out there and the astronomical prices o them, you’d have to be Bob Rock to afford to have a decent collection. The Producer’s Choice gets you loaded up for less than a good steak and a couple drinks; and you can easily afford to pick and choose the sections you need now, and buy more when you need them!