Boston area artist, Jamie Alimorad has been rockin the scene and the indie charts for a few years, now. His latest independent single, “Dancing with You,” is another in a long line of fantastic songs to come from the fellow with “the most played song in the history of iRadio in Los Angeles.” Now let […]
Album Reviews
This section includes a running list of the music reviews we publish. We also publish a lot of interviews, curate playlists, and podcast. Want to submit your music?
Looking Around at Something Utopic – Synthesis
I may be telling my age, here, but I remember something that some of us call , “the good old days.” Back in the good old days, we didn’t have the internet, or any more than 13 channels of shite on the tv to choose from. We didn’t have any iPods or fancy gadgets to […]
Morrow’s Memory Keeps It Moving Forward With Their Detroit Flavored Hard Rock
This is real music written by real people for those living a real life. The concept of Morrow’s Memory is simple, the future will inevitably become the past. One minute it’s in-your-face headbanging aggression and the next you find yourself floating on a melody as gentle as the clouds. As soon as you get comfortable […]
The Incredible Kicks Raise Up A New Rock and Roll Generation With Their Ineffective Lullabies
The Incredible Kicks have busted down the doors of your local day care, turned the volume up to 21 and kidnapped the ears of your babies. Their new EP, Ineffective Lullabies, is here to raise up the next generation of rock and roll superstars. But let me warn you, buckle up tight before you jump […]
Rumman by Daniel Grin and the Dandy Løve Band (review)
Passion and Power set against an amazing soundscape is what you get from Daniel Grin and the Dandy Løve Band on their new Rumman EP. I hear Irish folk music spending a night in the desert with Nick Cave. I hear Radiohead – a little brighter. I hear Coldplay, but I like it – a lot […]
Cordel Roper (review)
Blending a polished sound with powerful vocals, Cordel Roper is on the verge of breaking into every TV set and teenage girls’ bedroom within reach. Hailing from Brighton, England Cordel has been exercising his passion for music from a young age. You can check out his music on Soundcloud, including a collection of covers – some […]
Birth Love Death by The Dalliance (album review)
The Dalliance is an alt-rock/ power pop band with Darrell Long on drums, Greg Gilroy on bass and Barry Mangione on guitar. Like a lot of bands Long and Gilroy played in several projects before they came together with friend Mangione. After one EP, a few years building their fanbase and then testing songs – […]
Get Off Our Lawn! A Rock and Roll Testimonial by The fundaMentals (album review)
Get Off Our Lawn! Enough said right!? Not only is this a declaration you might hear from your neighbor as he cusses Jehovah’s Witnesses for interrupting his morning, but it is also the latest release from The Worlds Oldest Garage Band, The fundaMentals! Get Off Our Lawn: A Rock and Roll Testimonial is twelve songs […]
The Nerve of Some People by Gary Sunshine (album review)
Dirt floors, gritty characters, endless days and longer nights. All of these images come to mind within moments of pressing play on Gary Sunshine’s release The Nerve of Some People. Gary Sunshine is well versed and well traveled. He has played in bands on major labels, has songs on movie soundtracks and now he is […]
Local Spotlight – Lines In The Sky
Lines in the Sky or LITS, as they shall be referred to henceforth, is a young alternative-progressive rock band based out of the Mid Tenn area. It is fronted by Jesse Brock alongside brother Bowman on drums and Zack Wakefield on bass. Currently they are touring the southeast with some additional northern dates to support […]