“King Of The World” is the most recent chapter in the Awake At Last Discography. Their most innovating EP to date, King of the world is a genre expansive blend of songs fusing elements of metal, hardcore, pop and neo-classical electronica. The Americana rock outfit takes a new turn and brings a new level of passion while maintaining their signature edgy rock and roll roots, all held together by lead singer, Vincent Torres’, emotionally charged and passionate vocal melodies.
With the new album and sound, the rock quartet strives to display the bands remarkable growth and maturity in the ever-changing music industry. The group is set to take the new album to the stage this summer during their upcoming tours. Awake At last is committed to hitting the road as much as possible with their commanding, all-eyes-on-me live shows. Above all, the band places importance on inspiring others. They promote a positive message of chasing your dreams, remaining true to yourself, and never giving up. As a Do It Yourself band from a state not known for artistic culture, they practice what they preach.
King Of The World will be made available through their website (www.awakeatlastrock.com) and through a variety of internet retailers including Amazon.com, the iTunes music store, and CDBaby.
Awake At Last is Vincent Torres, Eric Blackway, Bryan Mills, and Tyler Greene. The band’s webpage has photos, upcoming dates and bio information on the band. You can find their website at: www.awakeatlastrock.com and www.facebook.com/awake.at.last.