His strategy was obvious but not easy.
Alex made his road a “school”. He accumulated vital information while staying in contact with producers, engineers, technicians, musicians and others. He became a music producer and arranger. He performs his own work with special guests and distributes it using the Internet.
With his musician hands full, as well as being an artist with a large and very vocal swing, Alex Guedes’ creativity in the arrangements is present in both the Black Music (Rhythm & Blues Ballads) and MPB (Brazilian music).
He has very good taste, all at the service of a career marked by resilience and determination. Alex strives to be consistent with his truths and historical references of his people.
Rightful heir to the Soul, “Song of the Soul,” which mixes regret and celebration of an ancestry from centuries of “Fight”.
His albums are now available on iTunes.
“De corpo,alma e coração” [Download single (promocional)]
Ladeira (video)
Discografia :
Toda emoção vale pena – SONY BMG /2004
Horizonte aberto 2005
Rio Pub 2006
Eis me aqui Senhor 2007
Sonhos pro meu bem 2008
De corpo alma e coração 2009
Mambalanço Crônicas latinas 2010
Trilhas Sonoras
O Beiijo do vampiro 2002 Rede Globo
Eu sei que vou te amar part especial Alcione
Começar de Novo 2004 Rede Globo
O ar que eu respiro
Just Talents 2006 (Europa)
Preciso te dizer que te amo
Caminho das Índias 2009 Rede Globo
Poe a música aê (Hey D.J)